the consumer connected world starts to become more pervasive around us in everything from our fridges, tvs, heating systems and cars there are growing dependencies on the infrastructure that supports this new world. The reliability and security of these pipelines, hubs and junctions is becoming increasingly more critical.How does this transfer to the developing world? Can countries in the developing world benefit and capitalize on the connected world without the corresponding infrastructure to support it? The connected world is taking a leap from where we only have one device being dependent on our tech infrastructure to a new world in which everything dependent on technology. In their current state many developing countries cannot and will not be able to benefit from this connected world, without significant investment in foundational pieces. Such as reliable high bandwidth connections, robust infrastructure and strong technical support knowledge. This article by David Bolton provides a good summary;. While 95% of the developed world have mobile network access, only 39% of the developing world have this access. See details here
Developing countries like Jamaica should be preparing for this new world by understanding how their societies will be impacted and what opportunities will arise. Then thinking about how do we position our resources to maximize the potential benefit. If thought and action are not taken now the gap between developed and developing will widen over the coming generations, and be ever harder to close.